FTIR Plastic Analyzer from Shimadzu

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FTIR Plastic Analyzer


The FTIR Plastic Analysis System includes proprietary UV- and thermal-damaged plastics libraries to facilitate highly accurate qualification and state of deterioration when analyzing foreign substances, contaminants, and microplastics. The system is comprised of the compact IRSpirit FTIR spectrophotometer, QATR-S single-reflection ATR attachment, and the Plastic Analyzer Method Package. The Plastic Analyzer method package includes FTIR spectral libraries for plastics degraded by UV rays and heat.

  • UV-damaged plastics library – includes more than 200 spectra from the UV degradation of 14 types of plastics, unirradiated and UV irradiated for 1 to 550 hours.
  • Thermal-damaged plastics library – includes more than 100 spectra from the degradation of 13 types of plastic heated to between 200 °C and 400 °C.

  • The system also includes plastic measurement parameters and a special program that simplifies spectral measurements and the creation of reports, enabling analysts to easily perform everything from the measurement of target samples to data analysis.